Evann Siebens + Keith Doyle

Evann Siebens + Keith Doyle
Lead Artists
Evann Siebens’ lens-based practice explores the human body as an archival site and the politics of the female gaze. She danced with the National Ballet of Canada and the Bonn Ballett in Germany before studying film production at New York University. Recent exhibitions and screenings include the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, 2021; Kunstinstituut Melly (formerly Witte de With), Rotterdam, 2020; Wil Aballe Art Projects, Vancouver, 2019; Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, 2018; and Burrard Arts Foundation (Façade Fest), Vancouver, 2017. Siebens’ films have recently screened at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City and Light Moves Festival of Screendance in Limerick, Ireland, where she was awarded the Prize for Outstanding Overall Work. Her work at A Performance Affair in Brussels was featured on the front page of the New York Times International Edition in 2019. She will be presenting work at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona in 2021. Siebens is currently based in Vancouver and represented by Wil Aballe Art Projects.
Keith Doyle is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Design + Dynamic Media and the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Emily Carr University of Art + Design (ECUAD), Vancouver. He holds both a BFA and an MFA in Sculpture and maintains an active material practice. As a post-secondary educator, Doyle focuses on product, craft and industrial design. He is a founding faculty member and current Co-director of Material Matters, a faculty-led and student-driven material research centre at ECUAD where research-creation activities and design-led research partnerships are enabled by funding from the National Research Council Canada and the Canadian Councils for research (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC). Doyle presents, promotes and exhibits nationally and abroad on his collaborative research activities and material practice. Recent exhibitions include Wil Aballe Art Projects and the Department of Art History, Visual Art & Theory, University of British Colmbia, Vancouver, 2017, and Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, 2018. He was a Resident Artist of the ACME International Residencies Programme, London, UK; a Banff New Media Institute alum (2006, 2007); and a former Artist’s Research Medialab fellow at Dance Theater Workshop, New York.
Artist's website: Evann Siebens
Artist's website: Keith Doyle